Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Victoria Dreste Designs

Victoria Dreste Designs. This is a personally designed Holiday Card created especially for one of my dearest friends. She wanted me to create a card for her business. If you haven't guessed it, she's a really great interior designer. It's a surprise. 

Happy Holidays my friend

Friday, November 9, 2012


Mère is French for Mother. The Goddess Mother holds the earth next to her bosom with a devoted loving gaze.

Yes, her skin is green, for she is a part of the earth, just like the rest of her children.

The Dove represents the feminine energies of peace, maternity and prophecy. The shadows and the light in the circle represent dawn and dusk...Although its song is heard throughout the day, it seems more distinct in dawn and dusk. These are the "Between Times"-a time in which there is a thinning of the veils between the physical and the spiritual, the past and the future...telling us to mourn what has passed, but awaken to the promise of the future. ("Animal Speaks" Ted Andrews). 

Santa Has a Special Key

Ever wanted to know how Santa gets into your home, when there is no chimney? Well, now you know.

Monday, November 5, 2012

November Blue Crow and the Autumn Moth

For a mother's birthday. Ted Andrews of "Animal Speaks" writes,"Where ever crows are, there is magic." They are a symbol of creation and spiritual strength. Other magical voices remind us that crows are messengers. 

Moths and butterflies represent "transmutation and the dance of joy"- Ted Andrews

To the left of the crow is a cluster of leaves, representing the past, and upper right- the leaves mutate into moths & butterflies, taking flight, therefore symbolizing the future, and changes of the unknown. Life is a dance. The metaphoric reference is also about the ability to let go, and go with the flow. To trust the process change.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mirror Image and the Depiction of a Woman

The lines on the woman's face to the left represent the lines of her life.  Her left hand over her heart as if to protect it. Her eye's have a distant sadness.

The drawing on the right is the same drawing reversed, but this time with the lines removed. Although it is the same exact drawing, the faces are completely different. There is also no hand covering the heart of the woman on the right side.

Perhaps the message is "what you see on the outside is not necessarily what is known on the inside." 

Perhaps a Valentine's Day Card offering a depiction of a woman's wisdom? Or, a view of her inner light?

I would be curious to know what you think about the two faces from the same exact drawing. Do you know of a story to tell?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Brother's Birthday

For my brother on his birthday. He is connected to the earth and all her living beings adore him. It's a most beautiful sacred sight to behold. He is a magical person who came into this world with a gift and precious connection. I love him dearly.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Bathroom Wall Post

"Pickles the Gnome" & Father's Day

Personal "Father's Day card.

"Doctor Who" bridal shower card

Pedestal card

You're on a pedestal birthday card.

In praise of the hair stylist

Dedication to a hair stylist card.

The Rock and the Cloud Puff

From the story line:  "The Rock and the Cloud Puff." A collection of stories that reflect life's lessons and how the two elements helped each other grow.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day card

A dream.

The card was designed entirely on a hilarious dream a friend experienced. You know how dreams are. At the time I thought the story of her dream was damn funny. I had to make a card to commemorate the dream event. Depicted here is a limo driver in the dream with turquoise shoes.

No Vacancy, and moon doggy patchouli

1992. The card was designed to inspire a time out.

The card reads on the inside: Celebrate the day in a "no vacancy way"; no room for distractions-a time out. And, as an extra bonus, we'll include cowboy boots, complete with hat. A butt crack, and a scent of moon doggy patchouli.

Blessing Crow

If I remember correctly, my friend did not want the "whoop la" of celebrating her birthday. It was a forced event, and I showed up anyway. The card read on the inside: ...of coarse we are excited about chatting and lurking about the neighborhood. That's what we do best."

I don't remember what brought up the "crow" thing, but the rest of the card reads, " Crows on a porch or no crows on a porch...we are celebrating."

Goddess temple reflection birthday card

The year was 1999. The card was to intended to promote birthday reflection. 

And...how fast can you draw that card.

A quick 1 minute birthday card before one of our gatherings. Or, did I draw this at the table during breakfast. I forgot.

It's called Church if on Sunday, It's called Temple if on Saturday.

A card for one of the women I have coffee with almost every weekend. It's not really church. It's really coffee and some kind of breakfast, depending which favorite spot we choose the night before.Church is church only when we meet on a Sunday. If we meet on a Saturday, we call it "Temple." Some of our favorite places know us as "The Church Ladies." The meets are not religious. It's more like: "The Tao of coffee, chat, and breakfast." The conversations are more about- whatever flows.

Personally designed birthday card.

A super quick last minute birthday party treasure map from a little girl's birthday event.

One of the invisible one's on "However Avenue."

The young man is one of the invisible ones. A character from one of my stories:  "However Avenue."